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What Is Ethical Marketing?

James Birch

Marketing is one of the most vital aspects of marketing for a company. Your brand and how you market it shapes your customers’ views of you and what sets you apart from your competitors. So, marketing is something you have to get right. Of course, avoiding unethical marketing practices is essential to a brand, but creating a completely ethical brand can have a massive impact. Choosing ethical marketing may seem like a giant leap, but the benefits it will bring your company make the jump worth it. To help you start boosting your brand, here are some of the most influential ethical marketing examples and how to create an ethical brand of your own.

What Is Ethical Marketing?

Before we explore some ethical marketing examples, it's important to know what ethical marketing is! An ethical brand represents a company or organisation whose actions, strategies and values are morally right, or ethical. For example, ethical brands don’t harm people, animals, or the environment. Instead, they contribute positively and sustainably to their society.

Ethical marketing is built on morals and sustainability, with a long-term strategy based on benefitting the business, our society and the planet.  

Why Is Ethical Marketing Important?

Branding and marketing are possibly the most crucial elements of a business. After all, a business’s brand shapes a customer’s view of them. However, ethical marketing is more than that. Ethical marketing is, quite simply, the right thing to do. But, if you’re wondering whether you should implement ethical marketing as one of your core strategies, we’ve got some points that may help you.

Here are just some reasons why building an ethical brand is essential and why you should consider it:

Shows You Are Supporting A Cause

82% of people in the UK consider whether companies engage with charities and their local community to be a significant part of their purchasing decisions[i]¹. ethical marketing allows you to show that your sustainable core values are positively affecting consumers and the planet. By raising awareness for economic issues, donating to charities or fighting global warming within your company, you can show that your brand gives back to society.

Makes You Stand Out From The Crowd

Branding is integral to making your company stand out from its competitors and helping customers differentiate. Of all the branding practices you could try, from a unique colour palette to fun fonts, ethical marketing is one of the best ways for you to stand out from the crowd.  

Ethical practices will give your brand better support and boost it above your competitors. If your ethical marketing fits your company well and gets enough visibility, your company will come out a cut above the rest.

Trust Leads To Loyalty

If a brand makes an ethical commitment and proves that it is sticking to it, consumers are likelier to remain loyal to it. When customers can trust an ethical brand to do the right thing for them and the planet in every situation (for example, if products or services are delayed and things don’t go to plan), they are more likely to choose them over several other competitors.

Helps You Find Your Niche

Carving out your niche is vital in branding and marketing since it determines your target audience and the types of products or services you will offer. Focusing on ethical marketing can help you find your niche by shaping these things.

For example, if you were supporting a cause like protecting the rainforest. This could shape the products you sell, such as clothing or toys with animal or plant designs. Then, you could donate a portion of the profits from these products to this cause. Therefore, you will appeal to the niche audience that follows that cause.

Successful Recruitment Process

62% of people want to work for a company that makes a positive impact on the world[ii]. So, employees care about the ethical practices of a brand, and if you have ethical marketing, you are more likely to see supportive potential recruits. Plus, moral ideals will encourage a smoother recruitment process. Finally, jobseekers will be more interested in applying to work for and become loyal to your company if you have ethical marketing.

Three Ethical Marketing Examples

There are plenty of ethical company examples that may surprise you. However, these brands all share the commitment to providing high-quality products and services without harming any living things or the environment we live in. Some of the best ethical marketing examples are:


HelloFresh is much more than a simple meal kit company. They are the first carbon-neutral meal kit company, meaning they are a net zero company that releases no carbon dioxide into the atmosphere during production. They can do this by maintaining a short supply chain, resulting in a reduced transit time, and using carbon-balanced packaging.

Lucy & Yak

One of the most well-loved ethical company examples is Lucy and Yak. This bespoke fashion company specialises in unique clothes handmade by organisations who take good care of their workers. Lucy & Yak even allows customers to see the entire production process of their garments. To top it all off, their clothes are delivered packaged in recycled and organic packaging.

The Body Shop

This beauty brand is one of the most recognised ethical marketing examples for its cruelty-free skincare products. In addition, the Body Shop dedicates itself to saving rainforests through its many creative products, such as releasing a haircare range that allows the purchase and protection of part of the Atlantic Rainforest in Brazil. Plus, The Body Shop has also minimised its packaging by reducing the amount of paper and cardboard they used.

How To Make An Ethical Brand

Now you understand what ethical marketing is and the importance of creating it, it’s time to start applying these ideals to your own company. Of course, creating an ethical brand requires patience, dedication and planning. So, be prepared to put in the work, and your shining ethical marketing will ensure you reap the benefits. Here’s how to make an ethical brand:

Know Your Brand’s Purpose

The purpose of your brand is the reason that it exists, besides gaining profit. Your brand’s purpose shows your customers that you’re more than just the products or services you offer and that you are contributing to a greater cause.

To understand your brand’s purpose, you must remember that people don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. So, you have to ask yourself why your brand exists. Why did you choose to set up this company selling this product or service? Then, define how you differ from other brands and what you stand for compared to your competitors.

Define Your Brand’s Values and Principles

Once you’ve defined your brand’s purpose, it’s important to decide your core values and principles. Brand values and principles are the beliefs that your company stands for and guidelines that should support everything you do. Solid values and principles of ethical marketing should focus on supporting the environment, human rights and workplace equality.

Sell Sustainable Services and Products

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Of course, your brand's purpose, values and principles are important. However, no one will consider your brand ethical if your ethical ideals don’t reach your products or services. So, creating sustainable products or services is one of the most important aspects to consider for an ethical brand.  

There are several things you can do to support sustainability in your services, products and workplace. Here are some of our ideas:

● Use ingredients that are produced and supplied in an eco-friendly way

● Use sustainable packaging

● Only do business with other sustainable brands

● Purchase carbon offsets

● Create energy-efficient upgrades

● Offer remote working for employees

● Provide employees with public transport benefits

Create Ethical Supply Chain Management

How you manage your supply chain is vital to ethical marketing. Integrating sustainable supply chain practices is essential to supporting ethically correct branding and maintaining your strong brand values and principles.

Here are some of the best practices for an ethical supply chain:

● Support local producers under fair trade policies

● Use suppliers that have sustainable production procedures

● Optimise material use and reduce waste

● Take part in industry collaborations

● Reduce pollution by minimising transportation

Prioritise Your Staff

The way you treat your employees is the true reflection of your brand’s core values. Human resource management is vital for ethical marketing as your company relies on your employees' loyalty and hard work, so you don’t want to treat them wrongly.

Plus, you mustn’t neglect your staff on your production line, if you have one. You must prioritise the safety of your production line employees and ensure all production line practices are sustainable.

For a smooth running business, you must make all staff members feel valued and respected. Here are some ways you can do so:

● Provide a good, safe work environment

● Maintain a zero-tolerance policy for harassment and bullying

● Support the growth of your employees

● Offer suitable workplace compensation

● Run an equal workplace

Donate To Charity

As we previously discussed, customers are more likely to consider brands that support greater causes. By supporting and donating to charities, you can boost your company’s reputation, increase customer loyalty, and help support a good cause that needs it. There are many ways to support a charity, including:

● Donate a percentage of sales

● Volunteer your or your employees' skills or knowledge

● Start a fundraiser

● Create products supporting the cause

● Buying products or materials you need from a charity

● Offering jobs in underdeveloped areas

Implementing ethical marketing

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ethical marketing is important to your brand, customers and the planet. Building an ethical brand is one of the best ways to connect with your customers and show that your company is one that can be trusted. By implementing these steps, you can join some of the most popular brands in saving the planet, one product at a time.


Take a look at our sustainable printing services to support your ethical marketing. 

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