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7 Offline Marketing Tactics Tipped for a Comeback in 2018

James Birch


Marketing techniques and tools come and go, but we predict we will see a return of some forgotten tactics in 2018. Get ahead of the pack with these seven offline marketing tactics.

How Can You Use Offline Marketing in 2018?

With every company jostling for space in their respective markets, it's important that you stay ahead of the pack with a varied approach to marketing without compromising on hitting your customer demographic.

And this means that in some cases, these offline marketing tactics could be the very tools you need in the coming year…

  1. Networking

Love it or hate, face-to-face connections are some of the most useful and powerful means of growing your business, especially in the B2B sector. Being a wilting wallflower in the corner is not going to get you anywhere and so, best foot forward at the best networking event.

BUT, you will need a strategy – who do you need to meet and why? – and when you do, how do you create a great impression. As well as polishing up your small talk, you are going to need a fantastic business card. Make 2018 the year you never leave home without them.

  1. Speaking engagements

For some, pushing your business in front of people with speaking engagement is the obvious solution. If you enjoy talking in front of others, are a natural speaker with more than a hint of the entertainer or stand -up comedian in you, consider this as an offline marketing tactic for the coming year.

Event organisers are always looking for people to fill gaps in their schedules – even a 10-minute slot is a great promotional gig – and once you start to build a reputation, you’ll be in demand.

  1. Print publications

They never really went away but while everyone else is worrying over SEO and Google’s latest algorithm change, you can be confident that alongside online tactics, you have a great offline marketing hack in the shape of adverts in relevant print publications.

From relevant industry magazines to local newspaper, there is evidence that suggests many customers and clients start their buying journey in this way. If you run a print publication, why not extend this opportunity as part of your blogger outreach?

  1. Direct mail

If you are sucking in your breath thinking ‘expensive!’ you may be right. BUT, it is still a helpful lead generating tool if you get it right.

There are still many consumers – new and returning ones – who prefer to receive offers and deals direct in the mail. They are less intrusive that jamming people’s inboxes with random emails or, worse still phone calls or texts. There is something pleasant about fanning through a company’s latest flyer or marketing leaflet in the comfort of your own home.

  1. Sales calling

Again, we can hear you sucking in your breath and yes, you are right: there are times when sales calls are a nuisance, and still linked with people being unable to get rid of callers, or a salesperson calling right on tea time…

Sales calls have matured and with GDPR on its way in too, making random calls is an intrusion too far. However, calling customers after they have bought or shown an interest and, more importantly, given their permission to contact them by phone is on the cards as being a great way to move forward this year with your marketing.

  1. Print advertising

And in this broad category, we think that the humble poster campaign will become a little more prevalent in the coming year, especially for start-ups. Tough to track ROI, we agree, there are ways of dovetailing offline and online marketing – and we think a handy QR code on your next poster campaign will pay dividends. And don’t forget, these handy codes can be used with banner printing too!

  1. The trade show

There is no denying the draw of the exhibition hall and with more businesses wanting to connect with other face-to-face, we think that tradeshows and exhibitions will grow in prominence in the coming year. And for your business, that means a smashing opportunity to ‘work your stand’ so that you make the contacts you need.

Ring the changes with new print technologies to make your booth stand out. For example, fabric printing – OK, not a new technology but one that is becoming more and more popular – is expanding in application and quality, great news if you want printed voile panels to cushions and more to add a little extra to your retail space.

What offline tactics do you see gathering speed in 2018? Why not email us with your ideas?

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