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10 ways to promote your business with posters

James Birch

Posters are a fabulous, innovative and cost-effective way of getting your message in front of people. They look good in all kinds of settings, from shop front to bus stops, tube stations and beyond. But understanding the impact of the poster and how to use it for maximum visual impact are not concepts that all businesses readily understand.


With many years’ experience in printing posters of all kinds, Colour Graphics can help you create a targeted poster campaign to make your business visible to consumers and fans.

#1 Brand your products or services

Business is no longer just about selling to a captive audience. With the advent of the internet, your customers can research and find all kinds of information and deals on a wide range of products. The make sure your business stays firmly in front of them, you need to create a brand, or an attitude, around your business.

The question is no longer ‘why should they buy from you?’ but ‘how will a consumer feel when they do buy from you?’. Just take a look at some of the larger, well-known companies and how they brand themselves. Posters are one way of promoting your business, your product or service.

#2 Enticement

Enticing customers to either take a closer look or to buy from you is a powerful message – and one that a poster can carry with panache and flair (with the right design and offer!). If you are offering the best deal you have ever offered to customers, then tell them with a poster is strategic places.

#3 Information giving

Too wordy and people will move away and not take any notice. If you want people to access more information, tell them where they can find it – email (and give the address), the website address of call us etc. You know the drill…

#4 Trade shows and exhibitions

All too often, people get a little stuck in a rut – e.g. banner stands are for exhibitions and so on. But, posters can have a place at an exhibition too. Don’t dismiss posters are being the thing that adorns the wall of a bus stop – and only this.

#5 Link everything together

Your logo, the colours you use, your tag line and any other parts of your design brief should all be firmly linked across all your marketing paraphernalia, including your posters. Make sure the logo is included and that the same information and colours are also used. This is about joining all aspects of your marketing to give a coherent approach.

#6 Seek out advertising space

On one hand, you will be advised to put your posters where you suppose your customers are but you know, sometimes, the most outlandish places can attract attention – and being talked about, for all the right reasons, is important. It is also a welcome boost to your business to make a funny or controversial poster campaign may work – but don’t go out too much on a limb or you may find it back fires.

#7 Use your own premises

Take a look at your shop, office or other business premises. Is it obvious that your business lives there? Not all business bases are open to the walk-in public but there is no harm in letting them know that you are there. You see how handy posters are becoming?

#8 Send them to stockists and retailers

It may be that your products are being stocked and sold in other shops or outlets. Not all posters have to be gargantuan – and A3 sized poster can be easily accommodated in most spaces – so why not send some merchandising kit to your retailers too?

#9 Tell everyone your social media platforms and addresses

Offline and online marketing activities should feed in to one another but if your website could do with a boost, or you need more likes and shares on Facebook then why not have a poster campaign to boost these?

#10 And finally, take a risk

Some well-known high street retailers, on advertising their annual stock clearance sale, have such a signature style that they use a few well-chosen and posed photos of models wearing some of their iconic outfits. This is a brave move indeed as the lack of test could so easily mean that the message is lost.

However, if you have a marketing idea with which you would like to experiment, then posters are a cost-effective way of doing it. In other words, if it doesn’t quite go as planned and is not as successful as you thought it would be, you’ve not completely blown the marketing budget.

How do you use posters?

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